I’m Iris. I was named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow, the messenger between heaven and earth.
As a child I was extremely proud of this. I was also exceptionally sensitive, and routinely saw and felt things that weren’t there. I quickly learned to hide what I saw from others. So I kept quiet and stopped believing in myself. In adolescence my sesitivities turned scary and I was troubled by terrible nightmares and visions. When I moved to London from California at the age of 24 I decided to put all of this behind me and worked hard to “build a wall” around my intuition. But in doing so I cut off a vital part of myself.
I met my husband, married, had a stable job as a graphic designer, and eventually had a son. On the surface I was happy, but I was also anxious and depressed, plagued by low self-esteem and haunted by past trauma. After the extremely difficult birth of my son all the walls came crashing down in spectacular fashion. After two weeks of the same persistent nightmare that left me unable to sleep more than a few hours at a time, I knew I had to take action. I booked a weekend workshop on shamanism that called to me. During that class the teacher performed a deep and intense shamanic healing on me. After the healing it was like the sun had come out in my life for the very first time. I felt a sense of peace, greater joy, and new hope for the future. This was the start of my shamanic journey.
Shamanism gave me the vocabulary for what I was experiencing and the tools to channel and refine my natural abilities. Working with a variety of shamanic teachers over the years I slowly learned how to find myself and to be in the world with authenticity and intent.
At the start of my formal shamanic training I was given a call to action by the Ancestors: to empower people to step into their divine radiance and live their true purpose in this lifetime. This mandate has utterly transformed my life.
It is my life’s purpose to help people to discover their own abilities, connect to their inner wisdom, and walk the path to personal freedom and fulfillment.